1·If an unknown person enters a home, the camera will send the owner a warning that will cause an alarm to sound on the owner's smartphone.
2·When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say "sorry, wrong number!"
当我们收到陌生人的短信时, 我们通常会说:“对不起, 你发错了!”
3·The unknown person now had a name, a family and a tragic story.
4·Your best response to a request from an unknown person is simply to decline politely.
5·Life is full of unknowns, and you can solve the unknown person, either or the unknown!
6·Most owners of infected computers neither know nor care that their machines may be damaging an unknown person in an unknown way.
7·I just want a life of their parents to their children, I can not get the parents hard-earned money to help an unknown person.
8·Herr Paulick, a prominent Socialist, was attacked in a dark street at Dessau by an unknown person and received severe face injuries.
9·Milgram conducted experiments by sending letters to random acquaintances, asking them to pass the letter on through their friends to an unknown person.
10·As I looked harder and longer, as my eyes got used to the solid black wall, I wondered if an unknown person for an unknown reason had draped a black blanket over our door.